Friday, August 12, 2011

Just finished my period and my breast still hurt. Can I be preganat?

My boyfriend came in me last month and I got my period this month but now after my period my breast feel tender and getting a little cramps on my lower stomach

Are lebron james and dwayne wade the 2 best players in the nba?

Not the best 2.D Wade this year proved that he was better than Lebron and let's not rekindle the Kobe is better than Lebron flame.......he is though.

What do presbyterians believe in?

my mother grew up methodist and said presbyterians beliefs are very similiar. she has always said that they believe that there is god and then there is jesus and they are not considered all one like catholics believe, is this true? do presbyterians believe that they are not all one as well? or do they believe jesus and god are all one as catholics do?thanks so much

Is church a good place to meet a boy with the same values as me?

Yes, I definitely do think church would be a good place for meeting someone special. Church is a more likely place where you can find someone with the same values, but don't completely avoid trying to find someone outside of church. To give you an example, I myself value much of what others would take for granted. I try to avoid people and situations that might harm others or myself. I don't drink, do drugs or disrespect anyone that does. All that said, I have not gone to church since I was 11 (i'm 19), but I do try to have an exciting life. If you search for someone in your church, you will most likely find someone who has the same core values as you do. But I stress that you not completely turn away from finding someone outside of church. Church is not the only place you can find sincere and honest people. You never know, there might be someone in your school that has the same opinions as you do.

When did flopping in basketball become even worse than in soccer?

Well, I can't say it's worse than soccer. Soccer has the worst floppers possible. I see the ball kicked, no contact to the person and they fall to the ground holding their leg screaming. It's really annoying. I watch soccer sometimes, but that always gets me mad. Basketball is second is sports when it comes to flopping, I see it happen a lot, and I wish they would give people a fine and a technical for flopping because maybe that will solve the problem, but as it is now, Soccer is the worst when it comes to flopping and basketball is second. It isn't much of a problem in any other sports.

Should I take a pregnancy test?

Im over a week late. My boobs are tender and I have cramping every now and then. When I was supposed to have my period I had a spot and it was light red, but since then no bleeding at all. Should I take a test? Im not sure what to do.

Did the gates of Hades prevail against the post-Christian churches?

Jesus promised in Matt 16:18, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." If a church like the Episcopal, Evangelical Lutheran, Presbyterian (USA), or United Church of Christ promotes prenatal infanticide and ordains men and women openly practicing homosexuality, has that church lost the battle with Hades?